Femme Schism Volume 3
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Format: Trade Paperback, 7.5" x 9.25"
Interior: Black & White
Page Count: 240 pages
Date: 2012
Description: Haydn is tired of playing damsel in distress during a fight. Will Loto, however, teach him the combat techniques of the Veruki? The missionary believed so until he noticed that Loto has been acting strange...ever since she was taken down by a petite ninja. Haydn wonders how she'll react when the Kingdom discovers something very valuable residing in the Veruki Territory. Will Loto keep it together long enough to fight off, not only the Kingdom, but her past? Volume 3 is full of action, romance, and, of course, plenty of sex jokes.
Price includes shipping.
Interior: Black & White
Page Count: 240 pages
Date: 2012
Description: Haydn is tired of playing damsel in distress during a fight. Will Loto, however, teach him the combat techniques of the Veruki? The missionary believed so until he noticed that Loto has been acting strange...ever since she was taken down by a petite ninja. Haydn wonders how she'll react when the Kingdom discovers something very valuable residing in the Veruki Territory. Will Loto keep it together long enough to fight off, not only the Kingdom, but her past? Volume 3 is full of action, romance, and, of course, plenty of sex jokes.
Price includes shipping.